Thank you for your interest in joining CAPT, an organization of more than 650 therapists across Canada.

When you join CAPT, you become part of a proud nationwide community dedicated to the preservation, study and advancement of psychodynamic therapy.

Your membership in CAPT ensures that:

  • Psychodynamic approaches are recognized and included in any policy discussions pertaining to psychotherapy in Ontario.
  • We can continue advocating for removal of the HST.
  • We present CAPT’s members’ needs and perspectives at the CRPO.

Membership in CAPT also means:

  • Group rates on professional liability insurance and office insurance.
  • Free advertising for your events, seminars and trainings in CAPT’s Networker.
  • Increased exposure for your practice with a free profile in our Find a Therapist or Find a supervisor directories. Both are targeted to referring professionals and the general public, and are a great way to get member-to-member referrals.
  • Access pro bono advice with legal counsel for discussion of liability issues.
  • A chance to enjoy member rates with continuing professional development courses.

For more information on membership and its benefits, please contact

Ready to join? Explore our Membership Types page to learn more.

I have been an active member of CAPT for 16 years. CAPT is a member driven organization and welcomes participation and input from every member. The CAPT Board of Directors and Board Committees work throughout the year on our behalf to advocate around professional issues from a psychodynamic perspective, to keep us informed and educated through an invaluable monthly newsletter and to ensure we receive access to comprehensive insurance coverage at affordable rates. CAPT has provided a number of highly effective workshops and ongoing support for members navigating the college registration process and working to become familiar with new regulatory requirements. Serving on the Advocacy and Outreach Committee was a great opportunity for me to learn about changes to our profession, about CAPT’s unique contribution to the process, and to get to know and network with colleagues.

Jeri Reason, Registered Psychotherapist and CAPT member