Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST
Summary: We all have a relationship with money and inevitably it arises in the consulting room: clients who argue with partners or family members about money, or are disappointed by a Christmas present, who feel guilty when they ‘indulge’ and spend on themselves or who are accused of withholding or controlling money. Of course, as we set a fee for therapy, the client already gives us an idea of their relationship with it.
As therapists, it’s important that money isn’t a taboo in the therapy room. Reynal’s work builds awareness of the many symbolic meanings of money and how clients might use or misuse it to act out emotional issues. Behind money arguments and behaviours there can be expressions of attachment styles, deep longings and fears, feelings of deservedness, masochism and much more.
Cost: Attendance is free for all CAPT members
Continuing education credits: The lecture counts as two hours of professional development.
The presentation is approximately 60 minutes, followed by breakout sessions where members meet in smaller groups to discuss the lecture material and share additional thoughts or clinical experience before returning to the forum for Q+A.
The Seasonal Lecture series aims to promote knowledge transfer within the field of psychodynamic therapy, and provide free professional development to members of CAPT.
Note: To protect patient confidentiality, there will be no recording of this presentation in either audio or video format.
Presenter: Vicky Reynal
Host: Julia Glover
Bio: Vicky Reynal has a background in finance and psychology, with a BA in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania followed by four years of post-graduate training in psychodynamic psychotherapy in the UK as well as an MBA from the London Business School.
She works with patients whose mismanagement of finances is often unrelated to money itself, but rather a means to express needs or fears rooted in early relationships. She is the author of “Money on Your Mind: The Psychology Behind Your Financial Habits”, published in 2024 with examples from clinical work.
Publications & Talks:
Reynal, V. (2024) Money on Your Mind: The Psychology Behind Your Financial Habits.
‘Money pervades everything’: the psychotherapist delving into deep anxiety about finances – Guardian
Money therapy: can it help ease financial anxiety A therapy session with me – Stylist
Help! My partner and I keep arguing about money – Financial Times podcast – Money Clinic
Making Money – hosted by Damien Jordan of @DamienTalksMoney and Timeyin Akerele
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