CRPO’s Peer and practice review (PPR) is a mandatory part of the QA program. It is designed to help registrants assess their knowledge, skills and judgment and identify ways to improve and maintain quality of care.

The following activities form part of the Peer and practice review (PPR):

  • Case based assessment (CBA)
  • Self-directed professional development
  • Peer-assisted review activities with a peer coach

The first stage of the PPR for all registrants is to complete the CBA. Depending on the CBA result, registrants will receive guidance for professional development that is:

  • Self-directed;
  • Self-directed with suggested resources and reporting requirements; or
  • Peer-assisted with support from a peer coach or College staff

The CBA is intended to provide registrants with evidence-based feedback to assist them in engaging with the Professional Practice Standards. Registrants are also encouraged to think critically about their practice, professional growth, and obligations as a regulated health professional.

Registrants with low scores on the CBA might be at risk of not understanding or demonstrating the Standards in their practice. These registrants will proceed to the second stage of the PPR and participate in a peer-assisted practice review, which will be conducted by peer coaches.

Click here for resources to help with the CBA.

(Information excerpted from CRPO)

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